1.40.0 (2022-11-15)


  • adding new domain name for gnosis safe cors UI-583 (b4acb06)

1.39.1 (2022-09-28)

Bug Fixes

  • reverting pipeline node version to 10 UI-582 (04f8529)

1.39.0 (2022-09-28)


  • adding ledger enterprise test domain names UI-582 (7d78446)

  • changing again sonarcloud node version to 14, now in the right place UI-582 (c742b64)

  • changing bitbucket pipeline nodejs version to 14 for sonarcloud UI-582 (a22152a)

1.38.1 (2022-06-09)

Bug Fixes

  • liquidations were not creating a transaction through our ui UI-579 (17e15ca)

1.38.0 (2022-05-12)


  • track GA event while creating tx UI-578 (c409669)

1.37.0 (2022-05-10)

Bug Fixes

  • resolve merge conflic UI-577 (89a1525)


  • removed switch for ledger app UI-577 (1e06737)

1.36.0 (2022-05-10)


  • removed banxa link in ledger app UI-576 (ea5c42e)

1.35.2 (2022-04-14)

Bug Fixes

  • added dimension to see metadata UI-570 (e0d3821)

1.35.1 (2022-04-13)

Bug Fixes

  • upgrade custom drizzle version UI-569 (876e396)

1.35.0 (2022-04-07)

Bug Fixes

  • added proper margin between wallet buttons UI-568 (3cd53cf)


  • added coinbase icon and fixed style UI-568 (d408b74)

1.34.0 (2022-04-05)


  • added coinbase wallet support UI-555 (56e3125)

1.33.0 (2022-04-01)


  • default to open pool on ledger UI-562 (40db612)

1.32.0 (2022-03-31)


  • change manifest description UI-565 (cbf531c)

1.31.1 (2022-03-25)

Bug Fixes

  • disable automatic popup of metamask UI-561 (81b07ec)

1.31.0 (2022-03-23)


  • added google analytics support for leager app UI-552 (975fbc7)

1.30.1 (2022-03-21)

Bug Fixes

  • fixed bring me back hom button UI-472 (4d5c5cc)

  • test cases UI-472 (1861acf)

1.30.0 (2022-03-21)

Bug Fixes

  • fixed enable button spinner UI-554 (3a76cfe)


  • added copy address option UI-271 (6bc57f6)

1.29.0 (2022-03-14)


  • added .env support for local api UI-553 (b0c27c2)

1.28.2 (2022-03-14)

Bug Fixes

  • adapt manifest.json location to gnosis safe requirements UI-557 (27d9a62)

1.28.1 (2022-02-15)

Bug Fixes

  • hotfix for broken infura URL UI-542 (488e14e)

1.28.0 (2022-02-14)

Bug Fixes

  • adding cors logic to nginx UI-542 (294b8f7)

  • chaning nginx conf for frame-ancestors UI-542 (43b3c54)

  • just removing port 3006 from script so that it uses default 3000 UI-542 (6c5ff28)

  • trying to fix nginx gnosis-safe domain allow UI-542 (c351ebf)


  • added gnosis and ledger app integration UI-542 (1d790ac)

  • added logic to remove disconnect button. refactored gnosis and ledger connectors UI-542 (0d18f07)

  • adding gnosis-safe domain without subdomain UI-542 (2c9d55c)

  • adding manifest and nginx change for iframe UI-542 (af6d7dd)

  • track gnosis safe app transactions UI-542 (9d01381)

1.27.0 (2022-01-28)

Bug Fixes

  • ask user to install metamask when no inject provider is detect UI-508 (ee532c1)

  • make wallet connect show a qr code every time UI-508 (5273703)

  • properly track wallet connect transactions UI-508 (b8e1ecd)

  • send wallet connect transaction and get temporary tx UI-508 (fcb5ee6)

  • show modal to ask user to connect and limit injected wallet selection to metamask UI-508 (a2247a5)


  • replace onboard with custom wallet selection and connect to web3-react UI-508 (d08b96f)

  • track metamask transactions UI-508 (f70664c)

  • track walletconnect transactions UI-508 (15d7b46)

  • tracking all transactions UI-508 (30e90c6)

  • trigger triggered tx notification and display gnosis wallet modal UI-508 (ca5e9be)

  • ui reacts to wallet connection UI-508 (5434a29)

1.26.6 (2021-11-24)

Bug Fixes

  • removing duplicates in CHANGELOG, rmoving semantic-changelog UI-538 (3197425)

1.26.5 (2021-11-19)

Bug Fixes

  • keep consistent numbers formatting for liquidity UI-530 (f4646e4)

1.26.4 (2021-11-18)

Bug Fixes

  • use proper block time average for calculating apy UI-529 (3661c06)

1.26.3 (2021-11-15)

Bug Fixes

  • calculate apy for loan properly UI-531 (ce4f079)

  • change label color depending on apy value UI-528 (5c27d79)

  • make loan apy positive UI-531 (77223d3)

1.26.2 (2021-11-12)

Bug Fixes

  • show wallet connect UI-534 (591c0fd)

1.26.1 (2021-11-11)

Bug Fixes

  • handle reading 6th entry from null var UI-533 (f2b506a)

1.26.0 (2021-11-04)

Bug Fixes

  • resolve material ui warnings UI-514 (c98a49c)

  • update abis and properly format number for repay UI-514 (97355a3)


  • add error boundary component UI-514 (78f7296)

  • add refresh button to error boundary UI-514 (90cfc1c)

1.25.1 (2021-11-04)

Bug Fixes

  • add checks to handle undefined selector values UI-521 (8ec5a8f)

1.25.0 (2021-10-29)


  • adding runners to pipeline UI-526 (041039d)

1.24.2 (2021-10-28)

Bug Fixes

  • add condition to display apy in tooltip UI-523 (54d0934)

  • update onboard UI-525 (1cb4610)

1.24.1 (2021-10-26)

Bug Fixes

  • whitelist wbtc market for open pool UI-520 (37f7e7a)

1.24.0 (2021-10-26)

Bug Fixes

  • handle div by zero UI-510 (6f7f357)


  • display borrow apy UI-510 (bae051d)

  • display combined apy for lend UI-510 (dfb3f29)

  • display combined apy in protocol overview UI-510 (0d0bb07)

  • display combined apy on dashboard UI-510 (508a456)

  • save alk price to state UI-510 (6552774)

1.23.1 (2021-10-26)

Bug Fixes

  • allow all networks UI-522 (0db80f2)

1.23.0 (2021-10-20)

Bug Fixes

  • adding mem to pipeline UI-518 (c483801)

  • change governance link to new vote link UI-513 (e7ec84e)

  • hide badly formatted liquidations and force refresh on wallet connection UI-518 (27f48a9)

  • hide liquidation opportunities below UI-518 (cd3df11)

  • improve liquidation handling UI-518 (a369827)

  • just raised docker memory by 1024, trying to make the pipeline pass. UI-505 (a23cfe4)

  • properly retrieve liquidations UI-518 (515df5a)

  • remove support for deprecated networks UI-506 (67ef733)

  • still increasing memory as pipeline still fails UI-505 (f227714)


  • display liquidity before a user has connected UI-505 (4ea7bee)

1.22.0 (2021-09-23)

Bug Fixes

  • adding new rinkeby contract UI-503 (03f87f1)

  • avoid crashing on load lend UI-507 (54d342c)

  • let user lend and borrow eth directly UI-497 (7c0b58b)


  • display user accrued alk tokens in usd UI-498 (9d699e1)

1.21.1 (2021-09-17)

Bug Fixes

  • fixing history url UI-495 (37a342c)

1.21.0 (2021-09-09)

Bug Fixes

  • adapt ui to sc change UI-488 (4400906)

  • adapt ui to sc changes UI-488 (a6d85cb)

  • add open pool mainnet address UI-481 (aafbb05)

  • adding a few more memory to the build and test as pipeline failed UI-474 (b36e08c)

  • change drawer colors for borrow and repay UI-491 (d44ee30)

  • changed memory again as it failed UI-474 (644c7b1)

  • disable validation of max and min value UI-474 (44cc729)

  • fixing lint errors UI-474 (b23b779)

  • hide wrongly formatted txs UI-474 (c1c8b2b)

  • https everywhere UI-474 (2a3b5a5)

  • modify smart contracts methods UI-485 (6a8167b)

  • reverse disabling max and min checks, and changing brackets to parentheses UI-474 (099517b)

  • show icons for pool selection on sidebar UI-474 (5af0108)

  • sonarcloud detected bugs UI-474 (a45ba33)

  • still increasing memory for build UI-474 (80d6276)

  • update package UI-474 (4601f28)

  • wrong contract status data, and add mainnet addresses UI-485 (2cf130e)


  • better ux UI-489 (72872a0)

  • change pool with sidebar switcher UI-474 (4b87745)

  • changed contract addresses for reward control and abi UI-474 (dd96bba)

  • changing open-rinkeby contract UI-474 (d4d36f9)

  • config markets to show by network and pool UI-484 (e448bb7)

  • display alert when switching from verified to open pools UI-474 (3e2664f)

  • display open pool icon UI-474 (4105de9)

  • doubling sonarcloud memory UI-474 (b89d964)

  • filter markets data by network and pool UI-484 (f2a911e)

  • layout fixes and display warning of pre tge freeze UI-486 (396a650)

  • show modal on start to switch pools and set one as default UI-474 (aca39f0)

1.20.0 (2021-09-09)


  • changing open rinkeby contract address UI-490 (b64168d)

1.19.2 (2021-09-08)

Bug Fixes

  • changed 3 functions to comply with the new contract UI-490 (bbed000)

1.19.1 (2021-09-02)

Bug Fixes

  • resolve missing apy values and crashing app UI-483 (2dd2be0)

1.19.0 (2021-08-30)

Bug Fixes

  • hiding alk token from displaying among markets UI-473 (aad7544)


  • add alk reporting ui UI-473 (59c7b33)

  • display alk balance and claimable rewards UI-473 (4a79152)

  • display user alk rewards UI-473 (1f25adc)

  • format alk token to have 3 decimals UI-473 (dd63689)

  • show success message notification for claim calls UI-473 (9495544)

  • show tx progress for claim calls UI-473 (15f1cfd)

  • user can claim alk rewards UI-473 (0db806b)

1.18.0 (2021-08-30)


  • changed History date display to YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss UI-479 (ce7849d)

1.17.0 (2021-08-27)

Bug Fixes

  • add pool selection to interest branch UI-423 (d4938ea)

  • display last 24hrs interest UI-423 (9a4b600)

  • remove scientific notation from interest UI-423 (8d03cb2)


  • display interest earn UI-423 (aa162c6)

  • display interest in usd UI-423 (dc25bd9)

  • retrieve interest for each asset UI-423 (35f7a06)

1.16.1 (2021-07-13)

Bug Fixes

  • update weth address for rinkeby UI-465 (4912c28)

1.16.0 (2021-07-08)

Bug Fixes

  • disable kyc and liquidations retrieval from open pool UI-443 (13d37a2)

  • init moneymarket contract on start UI-443 (3c32975)

  • snapshot errors UI-440 (e5b64d9)

  • update to newest protocol address & set https for api UI-443 (25bac7e)


  • add open protocol urls & open access to liquidations UI-443 (599fddc)

  • add state management for pool selection UI-443 (25fc11a)

  • add transactions to open pool UI-443 (5c987be)

  • disable selection button for pool selection UI-443 (a1ef81f)

  • persist and retrieve pool selection UI-443 (1030fe8)

  • use proper money market address where needed UI-443 (d7b9185)

1.15.0 (2021-06-29)


  • web: enable gnosis safe web3 provider UI-469 (2df35e0)

1.14.1 (2021-06-17)

Bug Fixes

  • use proper max withdraw value UI-456 (3fd08a3)

1.14.0 (2021-06-07)


  • display APY for borrow & lend views when user is not connected UI-451 (97f949a)

1.13.12 (2021-05-31)

Bug Fixes

  • use regular number display instead of scientific notation for borrow fee UI-457 (93263e2)

1.13.11 (2021-05-20)

Bug Fixes

  • type cast for default network when wallet is not connected UI-454 (6d9ef1e)

  • use proptype for default network in markets UI-454 (7165408)

1.13.10 (2021-05-19)

Bug Fixes

  • properly hide connection banner on mainnete UI-447 (e47a512)

1.13.9 (2021-05-17)

Bug Fixes

  • periodical fetch of data UI-452 (57f4bdf)

  • properly fetch periodically liquidation data UI-452 (7fd41db)

  • properly fetch periodically markets data UI-452 (28e5196)

1.13.8 (2021-05-13)

Bug Fixes

  • allow user to repay even when not kycd UI-446 (a341d63)

1.13.7 (2021-05-13)

Bug Fixes

  • change default collateral ratio value UI-439 (58d15a2)

  • hide non user friendly values from markets page UI-438 (dc91d4f)

  • use proper link to check txs on etherscan UI-436 (773f3d6)

  • use proper link to check txs on etherscan UI-436 (18a3fbc)

1.13.6 (2021-04-14)

Bug Fixes

  • error on variable that becomes null UI-441 (f9ef6e9)

1.13.5 (2021-04-01)

Bug Fixes

  • hide liquidation choice when user is not verified UI-388 (85d54c4)

  • improve testing of content UI-388 (ef1e7cc)

1.13.4 (2021-03-30)

Bug Fixes

  • add checks to variables that become undefined UI-435 (010c0b0)

  • properly set fallback for drizzle UI-435 (9909128)

1.13.3 (2021-03-21)

Bug Fixes

  • market card display full width mobile, wallet button margin on sm screen UI-428 (a2451ac)

1.13.2 (2021-03-15)

Bug Fixes

  • allow withdraw without KYC UI-433 (05b4ef4)

1.13.1 (2021-02-22)

Bug Fixes

  • change weth address to latest for mainnet UI-426 (20444cf)

1.13.0 (2021-02-11)

Bug Fixes

  • change env config to mainnet UI-424 (10ee0b4)

  • proper number parsing of env var UI-424 (3355e98)


  • add decimals points enforcing to markets UI-424 (3de312a)

  • display decimal places depending on config network UI-424 (25539ca)

  • display number of decimals depending on network UI-424 (b52d0b8)

1.12.2 (2021-02-05)

Bug Fixes

  • continually get ether balance UI-419 (a8401b9)

  • get balance properly for walletconnect UI-419 (542cabb)

1.12.1 (2021-01-22)

Bug Fixes

  • history: dynamically set users connected wallet for report download (d07fd3d)

1.12.0 (2021-01-22)

Bug Fixes

  • set proper network address for date download (bf89906)

  • wrong subdomain for main api UI-418 (cd2c21b)


  • allow user to download history data by date (0fdb691)

1.11.0 (2021-01-18)

Bug Fixes

  • remove curly brackets around drizzle var (a15adfa)


  • repay: enable 101% max repayment of eth balance UI-417 (7adcbd8)

1.10.1 (2021-01-13)

Bug Fixes

  • disable activate button for non-kyc wallets (7f3e892)

1.10.0 (2021-01-13)


1.9.3 (2021-01-11)

Bug Fixes

  • disable portis wallet provider (7ba597e)

1.9.2 (2021-01-10)

Bug Fixes

  • additional wallet providers won't connect (25c6c1b)

  • crash when user disconnects wallet (2b963dc)

  • disable squarelink service not currently working (277f4f4)

  • enable additional wallet providers (078806c)

  • ether balance not auto updating on user wallet UI-385 (3ce231f)

  • failed prop type variant subtitle22 on TableMarkets (bcae653)

  • failed prop_type warning object set as type string on ListItem (31cd513)

1.9.1 (2021-01-01)

Bug Fixes

  • history page tx link to etherscan UI-174 (e9e2653)

1.9.0 (2021-01-01)


1.8.0 (2020-12-31)


1.7.2 (2020-12-23)

Bug Fixes

  • point WETH to correct contract on kovan (056d291)

1.7.1 (2020-12-22)

Bug Fixes

  • have fromWei math to use big.js for division (6493ea7)

  • replace bn with bigjs for max borrow math (b5f094c)

  • retrieve max borrow mulitiplier from smart contract (f7940ea)

1.7.0 (2020-12-22)


  • add history page account filtering by savings or credit type (3a6e4a9)

1.6.0 (2020-12-21)


1.5.4 (2020-12-21)

Bug Fixes

  • scrollbar now displaying on smaller screen resolutions (5002002)

1.5.3 (2020-12-15)

Bug Fixes

  • use correct eth icon on history page (4194a95)

1.5.2 (2020-12-11)

Bug Fixes

  • limit deposit amount for ETH (be6b15c)

  • send proper value when repay in ETH (fd7db0d)

  • set calculated max for ETH repay (b6f33aa)

  • use proper repay method name for estimation of gas (cfb3f75)

1.5.1 (2020-12-04)

Bug Fixes

  • add proper max value to withdraw (f893d8d)

  • fix calculated max value for borrow amount (0bcef3f)

1.5.0 (2020-12-03)

Bug Fixes

  • fix liquidate validation (89d51cc)

  • improve WBTC value conversion (81e2962)

  • limit number of inputed decimals on withdraw (9be0e17)

  • limited the number of decimals inputted for all drawers (b42eae8)


  • add proper validation to drawers and liquidity cap check (a7a74fe)

  • add available liquidity check for withdraw and borrow (9030861)

1.4.1 (2020-11-30)

Bug Fixes

  • add changelog link to version number (7b21948)

1.4.0 (2020-11-27)


  • display usd value for markets on toggle switch (969b002)

  • add toggle switch to markets table (15ea0aa)

1.3.3 (2020-11-27)

Bug Fixes

  • automatic semantic version update package UI-356 (b91c11a)

1.3.2 (2020-11-24)

Bug Fixes

  • add spinner to liquidate (428cdd2)

  • fix disabled tag to proper naming (c5ab0d8)

  • fix spinner for activate (1a2ae13)

  • fix spinner for activate in lend table (975dce8)

  • make spinner work for deposit (b405ee6)

  • stop spinner when transaction errors out (c6735f9)

  • fixed spinners for all drawers (7aadc86)

1.3.1 (2020-11-23)

Bug Fixes

  • remove sending max UINT where it doesn't apply (a34bf1e)

1.3.0 (2020-11-19)


  • add utilization rate fields to markets page (f6442c6)

1.2.0 (2020-11-16)

Bug Fixes

  • add uint max int selection to withdraw (2e0599d)

  • add uint max on max click for repay allocate and deposit (b11d904)

  • send max uint when max is set on borrow (7771c66)

  • fix double bug on max uint action (a5122c2)

  • fix merge overwrite (269e9fb)


  • add status display for connected/KYC'd (a88cab0)

  • disable action drawer buttons when not KYC'd (7a3beb0)

  • add tooltip for disabled button due to no KYC (a393037)

1.1.0 (2020-11-10)

Bug Fixes

  • make DrawerRepay disable button when amount is undefined (ea46722)

  • remove debug characters (51d38c2)

  • hide NaN value from combined APY (de560e9)


  • refactor CardAPY and unify it (6990305)

  • refactor check on moneyMarket balance (b03c910)

  • add KYC indicator logic (88da455)

Performance Improvements

1.0.0 (2020-11-05)

Bug Fixes

  • when user first activates a reserve, it should stay inside of the Available Markets with button Supply (ad75f32)

  • brought toast back (ba89e56)

  • fix renaming for dashboard APY (8b75c4f)

  • fix renaming for lend & borrow views (9cac21b)

  • added es lint suggestion (d7f933f)

  • fix jump up of toastr (e8f328b)

  • improved code & removed ghost tx call (9a80d74)

  • filterdata changed into a useCallback (62ab62c)

  • fix display of toast on error (3dafe3f)

  • fix styling of toastr (1b91ec3)

  • remove input visual bug (f42dbf2)

  • better failure message (541fa60)

  • comment out pax and usdt references (c539f24)

  • hide wallet selection and change button (087f15d)

  • quick fix for infinite loop (ee23f7b)

  • remove ghost notification from toastr (4affa8c)

  • clean up (6b2a30c)

  • update snapshot (793fb07)

  • fix address sent to SC (bf32a63)

  • add es lint ignore (4d54305)

  • add side bar divider (7cb9071)

  • add tooltips to liquidity draw (5cded47)

  • added fixed Version number to footer and other styling / layout fixes to sidebar (8782534)

  • added select menu to allow user to select receiving asset. edits to both styling and info displaying in the liquidation information grid. Other overall stylng and layout fixes. (b384763)

  • adding deposit/borrow color scheme to cards (db85188)

  • additional ui updates to theme & notify (fe1452b)

  • adjust decimal place amount determinded by whole number amount (3f284bb)

  • applying new ui layout to allow for APY and dynamic balance (bdb96ea)

  • bad package-lock (297a78c)

  • borrow component color update on dashboard (bb4fad2)

  • borrow table styling (9915ddc)

  • cell height for history table (efde79d)

  • clean up code as per review (70b7ed0)

  • connect wallet from appbar (ecf7eca)

  • console compile errors & update snapshots (20fcb5d)

  • Correct build errors (87714c0)

  • create contracts after connect to account (a8f170c)

  • data doesn't refresh on metamask account change (e3d6d6b)

  • UI-106 propType declarations to Strings (74bdcb6)

  • UI-106 resolves Zak's comments on PR (ab26cf0)

  • UI-219 updated Borrow Active Asset table to be consistent with Dashboard and Lend page (7af6020)

  • UI-84 Prop warning on DrawerBorrow to declare proper Boolean (f3c06b7)

  • edits to layout/styling for snackbar (72b63e6)

  • error when allocating (23f1a1d)

  • fetchPrice now working from last API update (687f958)

  • fixing compile errors (77f1759)

  • get decimals from unit (f5aa112)

  • global styling and typography edits (2d29182)

  • height issue on apr card (4961db8)

  • hide notification & settings menu from appbar (d348d14)

  • history page to display blockNumber and auto load npm version (9d8d759)

  • fix address map to lowercase (78387c8)

  • fix comment out unused vars (f0620e8)

  • fix disable drawer input amount helpers (94df72e)

  • fix for collapsed menu (321a000)

  • fix for eslint rule breaking liquidity display (8765ed7)

  • fix oraclePrice to web3 wei based on API changes (7c738b1)

  • fix resolves BTC deposit max calculation error (55179b7)

  • icon style/alignment in select and imput boxes (35636f5)

  • import error (5f157e2)

  • L-29 Bug on Sonarcloud (828640d)

  • layout & spacing for liquidity table (76641ae)

  • layout font, theme color and spacing adjustments to dashboard page (050bc45)

  • layout/style fixes to liquidity drawer (49a2fc9)

  • lend page Active Lending Reserves table alignment (998b37f)

  • liquidity page view points and responsiveness on mobile plus split liquidity page into seperate component and page. (c6f5614)

  • markets data bug due to wrong type in function (75d7e2a)

  • max amount for web3 methods was failing due to interger overflow (6603ce4)

  • network type get failed (e8e4814)

  • progressbar sizing on borrow and market components. spacing adjustments on dashboard (88d85f3)

  • redux action usd price hooks (ad39218)

  • redux action usd price hooks (dd885f5)

  • refactor color across ui cards (38c5370)

  • reject show 2 notification (e894a64)

  • remove address_liquidator and use address_mMarket (a4c2f60)

  • remove chart and fix styling / layout issues on lend/borrow drawer. (a9924f7)

  • Remove collateral switch from Borrow tables. Tidy up layout/stying of Borrow Tables. (31a0583)

  • remove console log checks from markets (29401ef)

  • removing card structure from dashboard page and replacing with box/paper components (fc3df22)

  • removing redundant material imports (c35139a)

  • replace Earnings with TBD. Tidy up lending table layout/styling (0179c9b)

  • reported market liquidity should derive from balanceOf token (1ebf69a)

  • resetting toastify clear timer back to 7500 (3d30dc0)

  • selector name on cardDeposit dashboard (7e622df)

  • small fix (2926f31)

  • small fix on reducer (5bde86b)

  • snapshot updates (5f65dba)

  • spacing and ui fixes to all pages (fbc7635)

  • spacing, typography and styling edits to lend/borrow drawer (4045440)

  • style edits to borrow progress percent on apr borrow card (8c6cdde)

  • styling edits to borrow progress bar for cardstats component on markets page (042be67)

  • styling update to borrow labels (e7a54ab)

  • swap Available and Supplied values on Lending Active Table (79534b0)

  • switch logo to svg version, format version number, change table figures to 5 decimals (edb2a2a)

  • switching chartjs for apexcharts to help solve clipping in table issue. (1d8b8d4)

  • temporary fix build failed (2bcb3cc)

  • ui adjustments to draw (0d016fe)

  • update mobile menu links (101f4ca)

  • update snapshots (a6b6a8d)

  • vertically center asset icons on borrow/lend tables (5f8121c)

  • wbtc drawer value calculation precision errors (687a7f4)

  • withdraw drawer error (af2b3e8)

  • markets: str_num indexOf is not a String (4c17868)


  • add dry run option to semantic release (a5ab65d)

  • add semantic-release to bitbucket pipeline (e839244)

  • change onboard config at runtime (3c12fd6)

  • clean upp (988e7f6)

  • display lending & borrowing overview with styled decimals (01fa59a)

  • dynamic arrow for APY + naming refactoring (65de4f4)

  • further renaming (a751751)

  • Improve max vaue UI (23a3a1e)

  • make data sent to SC clearer (8430c37)

  • make the calls for blacks timestamp only once (584a7fb)

  • new styling for lend and borrow totals (e3e2b73)

  • progress on snackbar showing up notif data (ce9619f)

  • refactor split number onto a component (50383d3)

  • reload metamask on network change (c604488)

  • progress on liquidation (948c4f6)

  • show APY on drawers (f954f08)

  • Progress on renaming & combined APY selector (01e0f7f)

  • (WIP) displaying new notification in notify (8886696)

  • clean up and progress on liquidity desk (9cbf316)

  • comment out unavailabe data (1520001)

  • hide allocate from main net (eb414ee)

  • hide discount for outstanding loans (925d4c8)

  • hide unconfirmed wallets (373f3d5)

  • adapting markets data to liquidate (f81cad5)

  • add borrow assets selection (52b96cb)

  • add proper math for total receive (c5fe0bc)

  • add proper math to covering debt (379e4ee)

  • add the math for bonus and receive total (722ac84)

  • added combined APY selector (d096898)

  • added proper math for receive and bonus (90ee719)

  • adding borrow asset selection (d43119d)

  • base (incomplete) for liquidation desk set (6421596)

  • calculations for liquidation drawer (4d0a2c9)

  • chart functional with borrow data (1d0e488)

  • check transaction on etherscan (4bae8af)

  • clearer labels for amount and receive asset (df8794b)

  • combined APY selector value displayed on dashboard (93a194c)

  • display date instead of block for history txs (625c37f)

  • fetch liquidations every 10 seconds (cdaec5d)

  • fix naming + right arrays to use (a4cad29)

  • hide last toast when a new one pops up (c65f637)

  • improvement (c0994ee)

  • label change (03d7d60)

  • make label for collateral more clear (ea6acc7)

  • progress on display of liquidation data (8663ccc)

  • progress on liquidation + made data availble for chart (77103e3)

  • progress on liquidation desk (69aea3b)

  • progress on liquidation desk (0d173ed)

  • progress on liquidation desk (daab51b)

  • progress on liquidation drawer (6f4be49)

  • progress on liquidations (c84924f)

  • select receive asset from drop down (81f6ef8)

  • show icon input and dropdown (401328b)

  • show liquidity on lend table (376ba8b)

  • show you pay instead of liquidate all* (96520eb)

  • split aggregated value into main number and greyed decimals (b63add3)

  • change usd retrieval from API to web3 (96511f5)

  • add chartjs donut charts to liquidity table (cb2dedf)

  • add History page with transaction data (30f1644)

  • add message for liquidations on toastr (0736a48)

  • add ropsten network testnet and update error codes for kyc methods (953b4da)

  • add selector for borrow liquidity (da4c3c9)

  • added Liquidity page/table and liquidity management drawer (60b85fe)

  • automate history page data (f50d6d6)

  • created liquidations store + (56183a1)

  • UI-106 add combined Borrow & Supply portfolio APR rates (3e103c9)

  • UI-106 added APR Card Containers (cc1b32e)

  • enable max liquidate amount on drawer (bc13b54)

  • enable minimum balance wallet check (7b495ab)

  • history page defaults sort tx by most recent (0358c73)

  • history page now updates from alkemi api instead of etherscan (c508d14)

  • liquidate dynamically calculate token amounts from user inputs (bdf4479)

  • improve lend and borrow table labeling for consistency (6b358a5)

  • update Kovan Contract UI-237 (7033063)

  • use real data for liquidations (real list + smart contract call) (7f4f70d)

  • wrapped liquidations + fetching accounts (db50677)

Performance Improvements

  • add sentry performance and error monitoring via redux middleware (ac9f480)


  • Revert "edits to market page layout and styling" (83dbd5e)

Pre-Release Versions

0.4.0 (2020-04-20)


  • Sidebar now collapsable to create more screen real-estate

  • History and Liquidate pages / API got revamped

  • Web3 Connect Integrations now working for the following wallet providers:

    • MetaMask

    • Portis

    • Coinbase ( Mobile Only )

    • Trust ( Mobile Only )

    • Fortmatic

    • Squarelink

  • Fixed alignment/spacing of appbar, content, sidebar

  • updated render one appbar for all router

  • Fixed dashboard/lending table alignment

  • updated lending Component Active Lending Reserves table alignment

  • updated Markets Page

  • Fixed registerServiceWorker

  • Update README add Contributing Guidelines

  • added feature toggle side bar

  • updated imports across app to use absolute path

  • Fixed theme import error

  • updated sidebar styling

  • Fixed app bar

  • updated MUI Theme palette

  • Removed unnecessary color imports

  • Fixed bad color secondary.dark

  • updated revamp of history page using MUI

  • Removed unnecessary theme settings

  • updated to history page, add link to etherscan

  • Fixed table cell alignments on history page

  • Fixed Selected Icon highlighting

  • added Custom Material SVG icons for sidebar items

  • Fixed Squarelink

  • Fixed css import for build

  • added menu icon to toggle side bar

  • Fixed sidebar item styling

  • Fixed add side bar divider

  • updated theme into a themes folder which related styling files. updated theme js to reflect changes. Made layout edits to lending page and broke down components into cards and grid structure. Other minor styling issues corrected.

  • Fixed values to values instead of strings with 2 place decimal formatting.

  • updated Changelog

0.3.0 (2020-04-13)


  • Fixed memory leak

  • added Dashboard Component, improved routing

  • updated sidebar app with proper code splitting

  • added Dashboard material-ui layout base components

  • added load Dynamic Headings based on page location

  • added Supply and Withdraw Modals to ActiveLendingTable Component

  • updated use of custom Material UI theme

  • updated css in js styling, fixing layout for dashboard

  • added onBoard.js for web3 wallet connects

  • updated Dashboard Component

  • updated Lending Component

  • updated Borrow Component

  • updated Borrow Info Cards

  • updated Dashboard Info Cards

  • added layout and style improvements to Supply Modal

  • updated styling and layout fixes dashboard page

  • added Portis, Fortmatic, Squarelink web3 providers to connect wallet

  • Fixed connect button styling on AppBar

  • added Dashboard icons

  • updated History and Liquidation Pages

  • updated Button on lending and borrowing pages, adding colored asset icon variants to pages, some more uniform spacing added across grid.

  • updated Sidebar wallet balances

  • Fixed USDC icon on markets page

  • added Liquidation page

  • Fixed sidebar active menu link

  • adding French Language Definitions

  • updated styling to table, grid titles. Spacing between info grids, add asset button edits, sub heading table font edits.

0.2.0 (2020-04-06)


  • edits to styling, lending page layout and connect wallet functionality

  • added Web3 connectivity

  • Refactored out functions from markets page to utils.js

  • added to market page layout and styling

  • added styling and layout for markets page

  • Fix flexbox to adjust to different screen sizes

  • Fix Sorting on Markets Page


  • [Liquidate] Implement Liquidate component

  • [History] Implement History component

  • [Markets] Implement Markets component

0.1.0 (2020-03-21)



  • [ListItem1] Implement ListItem1 component

  • [AppBar] Implement AppBar component

  • [Sidebar] Implement Sidebar component

  • [Layout] Implement Layout component

  • [NoWhere] Implement NoWhere component

  • [Home] Implement Home component



  • [sidebar] Implement UI reducer for sidebar


  • [DevTools] Include redux DevTools enhancer


  • [registerServiceWorker] Implement service worker for progressive Web App


  • [routes] Define routes

  • [theme] Define Material-Ui theme


  • [Dockerfile] add production docker configuration with multi-stage build

  • [nginx] Production docker image use nginx server

  • [docker-compose.yml] Implement dev environment script

  • [bitbucket-pipelines.yml] CI/CD script

  • [.eslintrc] Linting configuration file


  • [] add contributing guidelines

  • [] add changelog

  • [] add readme with badges

Last updated